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There are no rules against applying to more than one university. Rather, it’s smart of you to do so – providing their courses are similar – as it extends your chances of being accepted. Some universities will let you nominate a second course ‘in reserve’ if you feel it also meets your needs.

  • You’ll need to apply by June or July for many of the postgraduate courses that start in September and October, in the same year. However, don’t wait until the last moment to apply – you’ll also need time to sort out your finances, travel arrangements, accommodation, and possibly your visa.
  • To be safe, apply at least six months in advance – so around March for a course that starts in the September or October. And maybe add an extra four months or more if you apply for funding from organisations in your own country, as you will be asked for proof of finance at application stage.
  • Finally, some courses start at different times of the year so please check with the course provider.  

The UK has a long reputation for having very good academic standards in higher education and for being a welcoming place to study. It’s also a diverse place with a range of natural and other attractions.

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